Breast Imaging




YARRA Radiology uses world class equipment to examine all aspects of the breast.

Our expert radiologists have interpreted thousands of mammograms (mammography screening and curative mammography consultations) and ultrasound examinations of the mammary gland (breast sonography).

In addition to providing a detailed examination of the breast, YARRA Radiology will give each patient a thorough explanation of the results and answer all questions about the entire process.

Sonography (ultrasound) of the breast is an important examination method for clarifying palpation findings and other abnormalities in the breast. Images of the tissue are generated by high-frequency sound waves. This imaging method is particularly suitable for displaying superficial structures such as the breast. State-of-the-art equipment with high-resolution transducers is used at Yarra Radiology.

Digital mammography is a further development of the classic film-screen mammography and, in comparison, allows a much more precise assessment of the breast tissue with a significantly lower radiation exposure at the same time. Together with a high level of professional competence of the radiologists who look after you, this ensures optimal diagnosis of diseases of the breast. 

The Radiographer takes two X-rays of each breast under standardized conditions. The assistant places the breast to be examined between two radiolucent sheets of Plexiglas and the breast is briefly compressed (squeezed). In some cases, this compression can be felt as uncomfortable, but it lasts much shorter with modern digital devices. It is necessary to keep the radiation dose as low as possible and to ensure an optimal representation of the mammary gland structures.

Digital tomosynthesis is a further development of digital mammography. By moving the X-ray tube, layered images of the breast are created, which allow changes in the breast tissue to be displayed without superimposition. This increases the accuracy of the examination. The radiation exposure of an entire series of exposures is comparable to that of an ordinary mammography.
When creating a tomosynthesis, the X-ray tube swings in an arc over the compressed breast and creates images from different angles with a minimal X-ray dose. From this, tomograms of the breast with a thickness of 1 mm are then calculated, which enable a three-dimensional assessment of the breast tissue. This means that overlying tissue structures can be masked out and greater diagnostic certainty can be achieved.

MR mammography is a magnetic resonance tomography (= nuclear spin tomography) of the mammary gland. Mamma MRI is a computer-assisted procedure that uses strong magnetic fields to display cross-sectional images of the breast.

This procedure can be used for certain questions as a supplement to mammography and ultrasound.

Before the examination:

  • Menstrual cycle: In menstruating women, an examination should be carried out in the second week of the cycle (days 7-14 after the start of the menstrual period).
  • Hormone replacement therapy: If possible, hormone replacement therapy should be discontinued about 6 weeks before the examination.
  • Creatinine value: A current creatinine value should be brought to the examination to identify functional disorders of the kidneys
  • Overweight: If you are very overweight, the examination may not be possible for reasons of space or weight. Let us know when you make an appointment.
  • In the case of claustrophobia ("fear of claustrophobia"), MR mammograms are usually perceived as less frightening than other MRI examinations due to the prone position. Nevertheless, the examination can also be carried out after taking a sedative. At least one hour before the start of the examination should be scheduled for this. For safety reasons, patients should bring someone with them who can accompany them home after the examination.





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