Our new MRI service



Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has proven to be one of the safest methods of detecting pathological changes in organs inside the body without the use of X-rays. It’s a more efficient, modern way for detailed examination and our experts will guide you through the entire process.

During an MRI, we are looking for different magnetisability in various body tissues. We scan the body and produce high-quality images of individual organs, joints or entire body regions. Using a modern MRI scanner, we scan the location, extent and cause of a disease. MRIs ultimately produce more detail of the scanned areas than X-rays or ultrasounds can do. This allows better insight into the affected areas and provides detailed information for doctors.


An MRI is done without X-rays. During an examination you lie on a tunnel bed that is roughly 1.5 metres long and open at the head and feet.

The tunnel bed is surrounded by a large large circular magnet which produces a strong magnetic field. The body's protons (hydrogen ions) connect with the magnetic field and with the assistance of radio waves, specific body layers can then be "stimulated".
When switching off the high-frequency electromagnetic pulse, the body’s protons return to their original orientation. The protons then send out signals that are received by antennas (known as coils). The connected computer system then converts these recorded signals into grayscale images of the examined body part.

The result of an MRI is precise and provides detailed images of various sections of the human body.

Patient information

MRI scans are predominately used to clarify diseases in the following areas:

  • Circulatory disorders including tumors and inflammation in the brain and spinal cord.
  • Spin examinations including tumors, malformations and herniated discs.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the small intestine (MR-Sellink)
  • Vascular changes including occlusions or aneurysms (enlargements or bulges of the vascular wall) and general constrictions.
  • Tumor examinations including the mammary gland (MR mammography)
  • Heart examinations include cardio-MRI diagnostics of circulatory disorders, reduced blood flow to the heart muscle, heart valve defects, inflammation, narrowing of the coronary arteries, and functional diagnostics.
  • Ear, nose and throat examinations including inflammation and tumors in the internal organs such as the pancreas, liver, kidneys, spleen and adrenal glands, prostate, uterus, ovaries and urinary bladder.
  • Serious injuries including tumors of bones and joints, degenerative changes and inflammation.

Please bring with you:

  • Medicare card
    Referral letter from your doctor
    All preliminary findings and preliminary images (if available)
    Surgery reports (if available)
    Picture CDs etc.
    For MRI additionally: implant certificates und laboratory values (creatinine) - if your examination is performed with contrast medium.
    Blood values (thyroid value - TSH) and kidney values (Krea)


Before your examination:

You cannot take personal items listed below into the examination room as it may interfere with our machines:

Our staff will store your belongings in a safe place. Things include:

  • Wallet, coins, credit cards (all cards with magnetic stripes)
  • Mobile phone
  • Watch
  • Fake jewellery, piercings etc.
  • Dental prostheses (If the prosthesis is attached by magnets, please inform our staff to clarify whether it is suitable for MRI
  • Keys
  • Glasses
  • Belt
  • Bra

Information about the MRI procedure:

How long does the MRI take?

Each examination depends on the type of test ordered. With MRIs some examinations are only 20 minutes while others can be an hour. Each scan takes between 2-5 minutes and some tests need more scans than others. We want to make sure that the picture is clear, which is all dependent on how still the patient lays. At VDX Radiology, we will always aim to do the examination as fast as possible to make patients feel comfortable.

Is it really loud?

During an MRI you will be given earplugs if you find the noise too loud. The tunnel bed sound is approximately 100 decibels so we find that earplugs or special headphones really help minimise the loud noise.

If you have claustrophobia please read

It’s common that some patients will feel nervous in the tunnel bed. Please let us know when you make your appointment if you have claustrophobia and we can prepare a sedative.

In order to receive sedation, you must have someone attend the examination with you who can drive you home. The person driving must also sign a consent form and be present when the patient begins the scan.
After receiving sedation – please be aware that you will not be able to operate any heavy machinery, drive, or make any important legal decisions for the remainder of the day. Even if you think the sedation has worn off, it is still in your system so we need you to wait 24 hours

Will there be people guiding you through the process?

Yes. Our team can see and talk to you during the examination. We communicate with you at any time via an intercom. If you feel uncomfortable and want to stop the examination prematurely, you can trigger an acoustic emergency signal via a small rubber ball that is in your hand and our staff will enter the room immediately.

What kind of instructions are you given during an MRI?

During the examination our staff will guide you through some breathing commands for heart and abdominal examinations. You will hear instructions via the intercom. Some of these instructions may be to hold your breath for a few seconds in order to achieve an ideal examination quality. Sometimes you may be instructed to do this a few times in order to get the best examination possible.

Post examination:

For people who have had an examination that has administered a contrast medium, please make sure you drink plenty of water two days after the examination. This will help you feel better!

You will receive the report by post two working days after the examination.

Do people experience allergic reactions post examination?

It’s very rare but sometimes, allergic reactions can occur up to 48 hours after the examination. You will be informed about what to look out for by a contrast agent before your examination. For examinations that don’t use contrast mediums you don’t have to worry about post allergic reactions.

After care:

  • You will not be able to operate machinery or drive a vehicle for 4 hours.
  • We always practice safety first so please make sure you can arrange someone to pick you up and drive you home.


Things to let our team know:

Please read through the following list. If any of these apply to you, please make our staff aware before your examination and we’ll make sure nothing interferes with your MRI scan.

  • Cardiac pacemakers.
    MR-compatible pacemakers include Biotronik, Medtronic and SJM. Today, MR examinations are also possible in 1.5 Tesla scanners, but require a certain amount of planning before, during and after the MRI examination.
  • Inner ear implants like cochlear implants
  • Certain joint prostheses. MRI compatibility will be determined based on the material of the prosthetic.
  • Older artificial heart valves. These must be checked for MRI compatibility using the cardiac card; Artificial heart valve implants before 1990 are not suitable for MRI for example.
  • Neurostimulators for pain therapy
  • Vascular clips and intracerebral clips (if there is no clear evidence of MR compatibility, e.g. from the surgical protocol)
  • AICDs (implanted defibrillators), biventricular pacemakers, implanted insulin / pain pumps
  • Metal or grenade fragments under the skin. Commonly seen with metal working professions.

If any of the following applies to you, we will need to gather special consent before examination:

  • If you weigh 135kg or more.
  • If you are in the first 3 months of pregnancy.
  • Known allergy to MR contrast media.
  • If you have claustrophobia. In most cases, we can continue with the examination by administering a low dose of a sedative. If this option is undertaken, you cannot drive for about 4 hours, even if you feel okay as the sedative will still be in your system.


Keep in touch

Get in touch with our friendly team today to discuss your radiology needs.